
Impressive Inventions Made by Designers

When thinking about the world’s biggest inventions, examples such as the airplane, the Internet, or VR come to mind. But, apart from these game-changing technologies, there are thousands of other smaller examples that make the world a better place. By changing at least one tiny detail about how we use everyday objects, these fantastic inventions show that design-oriented thinking can have a positive impact and make modern life a little easier. Whether you’re a designer yourself and you’re looking for invention ideas, or you’re just a curious mind, these amazing contemporary inventions will definitely inspire you.

Hello Sense: the easy to use sleep tracker

Sleep trackers are a great invention, but not everyone feels comfortable going to bed wearing a band on their wrist. This is what the designers of Hello Sense wanted to change. This alarm clock/sleep tracker hybrid has a versatile, minimal design and can be placed on your bedside table, where it will collect data about your sleeping environment, such as noise, humidity, and brightness. It also comes with a sensor that attaches to your pillow and gets information about your sleeping patterns. When it senses that your sleeping habits or room ambiance are suboptimal, Sense will send you a notification and sets the alarm so that you can wake up well-rested naturally.

AddWash: add extra load in your washing machine after the cycle starts

Don’t you just hate it when you turn on the washing machine and one minute later discover that you forgot to add a T-shirt? Normally, you’d simply throw that T-shirt at the bottom of the laundry basket, where it will spend the next seven days waiting for the next laundry day, but not with AddWash. This ingenious invention from Samsung comes as an additional door that you can attach to your washing machine, and you’ll be able to add extra load without interrupting the washing cycle.  

Nike HyperAdapt 1.0: the shoe that adapts to your foot

The futuristic shoes from Back to the Future II are here! It took until 2016, but Nike managed to bring the design to life. The shoes, called HyperAdapt 1.0, have special sensors that detect the foot’s pressure, adapt to its shape, and tighten themselves for optimal comfort. The shoes went on sale in the US and are especially popular among athletes because they reduce distraction and provide a perfect customized fit. The design was also received with enthusiasm by the disabled community, who appreciated the ease of use and ergonomic design.

Cyclee: making the roads safer for bike riders

Designed in Azerbaijan, Cyclee is an innovative wearable sign projector that boosts biker rider safety at night. Depending on the rider’s actions, Cyclee projects illuminated signs on their back, such as stop or signaling. This way, other participants to the traffic know their intentions, which reduces the risk of accidents.  

Portable shelters by the Ikea Foundation

The problem of homelessness in underdeveloped and war-torn areas is complicated, but Ikea designers offered a clever and affordable solution: portable shelters. Designed as a safer alternative to tents, these shelters have 17.5 square meters each and can be repurposed or combined to meet various housing requirements, depending on geography and weather conditions.